Sonia Rinaldi

Konstantin Raudive

Konstantin Raudive Speaks from Spirit with Sonia Rinaldi

The most active, successful, groundbreaking ITC researcher in the world today is Sonia Rinaldi of Brazil. Sonia creates new methods and devices that are continually improving the recordings of voices and images. The speakers are in dialogue with her and show their awareness of what she is doing. Sonia has done readings for as many as 163 parents in a month, with as many as 200 messages, acquiring voices and images the parents recognize as their children, showing that they are alive now. She does her work for free.

In a David Thompson séance, a man came announcing himself as Konstantin Raudive. The appearance was evidential because Raudive referred to Sonia’s work and gave her specifications for how she could improve the results, demonstrating  that he was alive, aware of Sonia’s work, and anxious to continue working with her from spirit. Sonia has difficulty understanding him, so Sheri Perl and Victor Zammit, sitting next to her, repeat what Raudive has said. Raudive refers to Sonia’s images of people in spirit she records on video. When Raudive first started coming through to her in instrumental transcommunication audio recordings, she didn’t know who it was. She called him “Mr. German” because of his accent. She refers to the name in her communication during the seance. Sonia refers to a phone call Raudive made to her after his transition.

Mickey, Leslie Flint’s companion who brings through people in his séance speaks at the beginning.

Transcript of Sonia Speaking with Konstantin Raudive in a David Thompson Seance

Sonia: “Yes?”

Mickey: “Is your name Sonia?”

Sonia: “Yes.”

Mickey: “There is a man that wants to speak to you.”

Sonia: “Oh . . .”

Mickey: “His name is, hold on . . .  Oh he wants to tell you his name himself.”

Sonia: “Thank you!”

Raudive: “Sonia, Sonia Rinaldi.”

Sonia: “Yes.”

Raudive: “My name is Konstantin Raudive.”

Sonia: “Oh. Mr. Raudive. Thank you for your presence. Thank you.”

Raudive: “I want you to know that I am working with you a lot of the time.”

Sheri repeats for Sonia.

Sonia: “Oh, thank you. I am sorry. Sometimes I don’t understand quite well. But Sheri is helping me.”

Raudive: “I want you to know that there is a problem with the communication.”

Sonia: “Yes, is there anything that I can do?”

Raudive: “Yes.”

Sonia: “Sure! Please tell me!”

Raudive: “You need . . .”

Sonia: “Yes.”

Raudive: “to create a symmetric current path between two capacitors.”

Sheri repeats for Sonia.

Sonia: “Yes. If you can help me to reach this, I will try all the way.”

Raudive: “I will try. I will bring word through your communication channels. And I will help you. And we will accomplish many things together.”

Sonia: “OK thank you. Thank you. I will do anything that I can.”

Raudive: “Yes, I know and that is why I come to work with you often.”

Sonia: “Oh thank you so much.”

Raudive: “I thank you.”

Sonia: “You know that I call you Mr. German, right?”

Raudive: “You can call me what you wish.”

Sonia: “OK thank you!”

Raudive: “Have you seen my face yet?”

Victor Zammit repeats for Sonia.

Raudive: “I will appear on your communication.”

Sonia: “Oh!”

Raudive: “You will see me on your images, yes.”

Sonia: “Can I ask you a question?”

Raudive: “Yes.”

Sonia: “Mr. Raudive, I think that we should do more than we are doing, and I don’t know how. And I think that what you people in the other side are doing is so important. And we have to do more for you, but we don’t know how. If you can tell us or help us to help you.

Raudive: “Yes, I will. I will do it. I will inspire with the schematic for the capacitor for communication.”

Sonia: “Yes, anything. Since I know what to do, I will.”

Raudive: “I will help you. It’s important that you know I will help you.”

Sonia: “Can I make another question?”

Raudive: “Yes.”

Sonia: “Long ago, you apparently made some phone calls to earth, and including to me. These didn’t happen any more. Why is it, if it was possible for you to make a phone call, let’s say 10 years ago, why it didn’t come again? Why it didn’t happen again?”

Raudive: “Because the vibration of the fabric of the physical world prevents this from happening.”

Sonia: “Oh, is there anything that we can, oh I don’t know if this is important for you, but . . .”

Raudive: “My dear, you are doing more than enough, that I can say.”

Sonia: “Oh, thank you so much.”

Raudive: “We will do more work together, you in your world and I in mine.”