Rochelle Wright, MS

Rochelle Wright, MS

Rochelle Wright, M.S., LMHC, CDP, NCC, EMDR Certified, is a Washington-state licensed psychotherapist who has developed a procedure for use by state-licensed psychotherapists that reduces grief in a single session for 98% of clients by helping them have afterlife connections with the loved ones for whom they are grieving while in the psychotherapist’s office. Rochelle has trained over 100 psychotherapists to use the procedure, named Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy. It is a remarkable breakthrough in the field of grief therapy that has a profound effect on clients.

Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy

Rochelle developed the Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy procedure that psychotherapists are using to help clients communicate with loved ones for whom they are grieving. The psychotherapist uses bilateral stimulation to help the client enter a state in which afterlife communications occur. It is successful with 98% of the clients who experience it, and the clients’ grief reduces from high scores of 10 and 10 plus plus plus on a 10-point score for the disturbance of thoughts about the deceased loved one to 0, 1, or 2 in a single session. You can read actual accounts of Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy sessions the clients have given us permission to share. Read the accounts.

You can learn more about Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy and about becoming a trained psychotherapist at this link: Learn more.

Lists of Trained Psychotherapists

Over 140 psychotherapists have been trained to administer the Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy that includes the Guided Afterlife Communication. The psychotherapists are from 19 states and Canada, Germany, Mexico, and the UK. A list of the trained psychotherapists is available: Psychotherapists

Videos about the Procedure

AREI has developed an introductory video on the Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy procedure. The video follows:

AREI has also produced a video describing the training state-licensed psychotherapists can have to help their clients have afterlife connections. The video follows:

Publication of a Book on the Procedure

Craig Hogan and Rochelle Wright have co-authored a book about the Repair & Reattachment/Guided Afterlife Connections Grief Therapy method. It contains 26 stories of real clients who experienced successful connections with loved ones through the therapy method.


  • One study of the procedure shows that the procedure reduces grief from scores of 10 on the 1- to 10-point scale of distress the client is experiencing to scores of 0, 1, or 2
  • The procedure is now being used by over 100 psychotherapists with great success
  • New psychotherapists are being trained at the rate of 20 a year.

Read accounts of actual Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy sessions . . .

Future Advancements with Funding

This breakthrough grief therapy method will revolutionize grief therapy and enable people to have the afterlife communication experiences that will change them as human beings. With funding, Rochelle will be able to complete studies to validate scientifically what is already being validated by the consistent, remarkable results in clients. When the psychological community has the validation in the psychology literature, more psychotherapists will seek training, resulting in widespread alleviation of grief and spiritual transformation of clients. The goal is to have trained psychotherapists in every city in the world.

Projects Needing Funding

Validate the Use of Repair and Reattachment Grief Counseling

The method has great face validity, and the one study of Repair and Reattachment Grief Counseling showed that it dramatically reduces the disturbance of grief and traumatic memories in a single session. The procedure now needs formal studies to determine its effect on clients so it is widely accepted by the psychotherapy community. In this project, the over 100 psychotherapists now trained in the procedure will administer pre-counseling and post-counseling tests to determine the effects on clients. Long-term studies will evaluate the effects on clients over a period of time.

Validate the Afterlife Connections

In this project, psychic mediums will connect with the deceased person the client has connected with to determine what happened from the deceased person’s point of view. When the deceased person validates the connection and describes details the client had stated, that will validate the connection that occurs during the Repair and Reattachment Grief Counseling session.

Make Repair and Reattachment Psychotherapists Widely Available

Currently, there are 14 trained psychotherapists in the U.S. Midwest, 11 in the South, 5 in the Northeast, 7 in Canada, 3 in North and South America, 2 in Europe, and 1 in Australia. This important procedure that heals grief and makes a difference in people’s lives should be available in all the major cities of the U.S. and the world. This project will train one psychotherapist in each of the 100 major U.S. cities and one psychotherapist in each of the 150 major cities of the world, ranging in population from Caracas, Venezuela (2,916,183) to Tokyo, Japan (38,001,000). Having psychotherapists in these wide-ranging areas of the world will make the procedure available and will stimulate interest among additional psychotherapists who can initiate their own training.

Details about Rochelle Wright

More information about Rochelle Wright’s work is available at this link: Rochelle Wright