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You Can Connect by Just Talking in a Normal Conversation

This Stage gives you a way to connect through starting an imaginary dialogue and letting it unfold.

The Two Stage 5 Activities

Stage 5 is in two parts. In the first part, you will daydream a dialogue with the loved one with whom you want to connect. You will write the dialogue and submit it. This exercise will help us understand how well you can use your imagination to create a dialogue.

In this daydream, you aren’t going into a deeply relaxed state, and you’re controlling the daydream as you do all of the daydreams you have. However, if you start to have a connection that is unfolding on its own, allow it to unfold. Stop daydreaming and have the connection. In other words, give up control and allow it to unfold.

The Recordings

The sound bars below will play the recordings. Now, put on the earphones and click on the “Play” arrow on one of the sound bars to listen to the recording. It is the second symbol on the sound bar. Adjust the volume on your computer so the sound is comfortable to you.



Write Your Journal for Stage 5 Part 1

Write a journal of your experiences in Stage 5 Part 1. Write enough detail for Craig to be able to give you comments to help you as you learn to make an afterlife connection.