How can I communicate with my loved one who is living in the next world?

We know now that virtually everyone can communicate with loved ones living in the next world. These are some of the methods available to you.

Qualified Mediums

Have a reading with only a qualified medium. You will know if a medium is able to connect with your loved one if the medium begins with evidence. That will be details the medium could not guess, such as names, events in your life now or in the past, the loved one’s factual characteristics, and other evidence. If you don’t hear the evidence at the beginning of the reading, stop it and don’t pay the medium.

These are sources of lists of qualified mediums:

Bob Olson’s Best Psychic Mediums

Forever Family Foundation Certified Mediums

Windbridge Research Center Research Mediums

American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums

AREI Suggested Mediums

Mark Ireland’s List of Certified Mediums

Repair & Reattachment Psychotherapy

Rochelle Writing, MS, LMHC, a certified Washington state psychotherapist, has developed a psychotherapy method that enables clients sitting in the psychotherapist’s office to have an afterlife connection that heals grief in a single session. She has trained over 100 psychotherapists in the method. If you can, travel to Gig Harbor, Washington, to have an appointment with Rochelle.

Link to the list of psychotherapists to see if there is a psychotherapist near you.

Self-Guided Afterlife Communication

AREI has developed a free, online training program that will teach you how to have an afterlife communication with your loved one. The method is 86% successful.

Link to the Self-Guided Afterlife Communication procedure training.